The Princess, like many other people, tends to get a little frazzled this time of year. As she is running around trying to get everything done, the Hero sometimes, risking peril to his own life, asks what the Princess is so frazzled about.
For his interest he typically receives the look, the one that plainly says, "Are you INSANE? What DOESN'T need to get done?" This is followed by a litany of the chores that are weighing so heavily on the Princess:
"Finish shopping, get wrapping paper, cancel the newspaper, bake, put the tree up, wrap, finish the newsletter, decorate the tree, deliver cookies, pack for traveling, print the newsletter, take everything off the tree and redecorate, mail the newsletter, repack for traveling because the weather forecast changed..."
The Hero generally stops listening closely at "cancel the newspaper," but continues to nod as if he is hearing every word. When the litany is finally over, he thinks a moment and then offers his help:
"Okay, so how about if we go get some coffee and hang out?"
This is his version of homemade chicken soup, and is, he feels, the very best thing to be done in a crisis situation. The ONLY thing to be done.
The Princess begins to arrange her face into another look, one that says, "Are you INSANE? Did you just hear everything I have to do??" But she finds she is too tired. Suddenly, sitting down sounds good. So does procrastination.
Strangely, the coffee strategy pays off. They discuss lots of things -- but not the List. The chores are still there afterward, but somehow, not nearly as onerous.
Thanks to the wise Hero. And his coffee.