Monday, December 9, 2013

Weather ain't us

Today we have an unofficial Q&A with two meteorologists from popular weather websites, where we have noticed a certain trend.

Us: We've noticed some new features on your websites recently. Can you tell us about them?

Meteorologist 1: Yes, we're very excited about the changes. We have more videos than ever, and just a ton of exciting news on topics like the most dangerous tunnels in the world, discoveries of long-buried, long-forgotten royalty under modern parking lots, exploding whales...

Meteorologist 2: And we've got a lot of content on animals. See? [shows site on tablet] Look, here you can watch a dead great white being cut open and this AMAZING discovery inside, and scroll down here to find out about animals who ski. And you can even --

Us: Looks great. And what about the weather?

Meteorologist 1 [confused]: The weather?

Us: Yeah, what if I want to know what the weather forecast is for our area tomorrow? Or if we're going to have snow for Christmas?

Meteorologist 2: Well, we have a cool little feature that will tell you about how climate change is affecting places all over the world. See, right --

Us: But I just want to know the weather forecast for where I LIVE. For TOMORROW. 

Meteorologist 1: Sure, sure, we still give you the weather. I think.  Uh, let me see here...Hey, Bill, you guys still show local weather on your site?

Meteorologist 2: Yeah, as far as I know. You know, when there's a big storm coming or something.

Meteorologist 1 [frantically searching his tablet]: Ah-ha! See? I knew it was here.

Us: Ah, yes, we see that it took 1, 2, 3...87 links to get to that page.

Meteorologist 1: Well, it IS there.

Meteorologist 2: Look at that. It's on OUR site too -- um, of course.

Us: Well, gentlemen, I'm afraid our time is up. Thank you for being with us today and helping readers understand where not to go when they want --

Meteorologist 1: But wait! You haven't seen our display of oldest beehives in the world yet!

Us: Goodbye!


A Nosy Neighbor said...

SO true...The Weather Channel ought to be renamed All But the Weather Channel. :(

ilovecomics said...

Sad but true.