The Hero and I take our summer vacation planning very seriously. We generally start discussions early in the year, and they go somewhat like this:
Princess: We should go someplace new this year.
Hero: Yea, we should. AND to the beach.
H: So where should we go on vacation?
P: Someplace new.
H: Sounds good. And the beach.
P: Wow, summer is almost here. We should make some travel plans. How about out west?
H: Hmm, we could. And the beach too.
P: Maybe the Grand Canyon.
H: Hmm...yeah, no beach there, though.
P: We REALLY need to make some plans.
H: Yeah.
August 23
P: Well, here we are at our usual beach place!
H: Yep!
P: So, where should we go next year...?
We really do want a different vacation. At least in theory. It is not that we don't like exploring nature, for example. We would like it a lot, if it weren't so...naturey.
If only we could watch a documentary instead of actually experiencing nature ourselves. "Grand Canyon: The Movie," for instance. Or Wii Nature Hikes. Note that we are not talking here about an all-sense virtual experience. Sights are fine -- let us admire the colors, the intense greens of a forest, the birds and other fauna. Sounds, too -- birds calling, waterfalls rushing, etc. But feeling insects on our persons, plants brushing against our legs, mud squishing between our feet -- no, thank you. No extreme, lifelike experiences are necessary for us.
The ideal virtual nature hike would include snack breaks. And not just granola bar snack breaks. We're talking ice cream sundaes, root beer floats, some wine and cheese...
May 5
P: Hey, I think I've got our vacation idea!
Now, if someone would just build it.
Soon you will be able to come visit us in Traverse City which has BEACH, sights, and lots and lots of good food (the real reason we are moving there).
What?? You're not moving there so you can send me packages of beef pasties with gravy?? We must totally rethink that approval we extended for this move...wait a minute...there WAS no approval from us...
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