Thursday, February 19, 2015

Revenge of the fish song

Here are some excerpts from a little conversation we had this week with our CSA.

Me: Hi, the list for this week says we are getting a whole branzino fish. Um, does that mean the whole fish -- like, head, eyes, all that stuff?

CSA: Yes! You'll love the branzino. Each fish is about a pound, but of course you won't actually get a pound out of it to eat, if you know what we mean.

Me: So, there will be eyes.

CSA: Yes. But it's already gutted. Just the head is on. And tail. And fins.

Me: And the eyes.

CSA: Yes. Yes, there will be eyes.

Me: Two eyes. Dead ones.

CSA: Uh, yes, we anticipate there will be two eyes per fish. And the fish are definitely dead when they reach the customer.

Me: You don't, um, cut the eyes out first?

CSA: Nope, you can cook it right in the oven or in a pan on the stove just the way it is!

Me: I put it in my pan WITH THE HEAD ON??

CSA: It'll just need a little lemon and butter, and you're all set!

Me: There is a fish with dead eyes staring at me from my frying pan, and a little lemon and butter is supposed to FIX that??

CSA: Really, ma'am, it'll be fine. You'll love it. Let us know how it goes! (heh heh heh)

In an attempt to comfort the Princess (and himself) about cooking eye-infested fish, the Hero sent her this link. Now all she can do is hum the song. We are thinking of passing it along to the CSA people so they can hum it all day long, too.


A Distant Nosy Neighbor said...

As seen on TV, blindfolds to place over the eyes of already dead fish (or ones you anticipate will be dead soon) made from food grade polyester, which enable one to cook the fish without having to see the fish eyes staring back reproachfully. But wait, there's more...
So...did YOU cook the fish or were you able to get a neighbor to do it for you?

ilovecomics said...

Oooo, if only I had known about the blindfolds earlier. If only I watched TV so I would have known. If only I had a neighbor who would cook the fish for us! I WOULD have asked one in particular, IF she hadn't moved far away to a place where fish probably jump out of the lake right into one's frying pan. I may have to resort to placing some herb sprigs discreetly over the offending organs. Stay tuned.