Saturday, February 14, 2015

Murder is afoot

The Princess has been reminded by a concerned reader that it has been quite some time since she has communicated via the blog. With deepest apologies, she promises to return soon, although possibly not real soon. She is deep in the throes (writers are always "in the throes") of learning the art of mystery writing, which has caused her to pretend she knows something about how to kill off characters. This is something that has never happened in the blog, of course, unless plants count as characters, in which case plenty of murder has occurred. Someday she might write a post about the plants getting their revenge. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

A Distant Nosy Neighbor said...

Your loyal followers will attempt to await your next blog with patience, which will be really really difficult because it is well known that we are all rather impatient people. :(

Are you ready with a new blog yet?????