Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Portable pots

My foresight at planting our kale and arugula in large but lightweight containers (in former lives they were known as grocery bags and plastic tote bags) has proven magnificent. It has ensured that I spend my days fretting over exactly where on our property the plants will get the most sun and generally be the happiest, and then move them there.

And move them, and move them.

When I discovered that there was more sun in the back of the house, I hauled the five containers through the house, down the stairs, and out the back door. Later, there seemed to be a smidgen more sunlight in the front, so I carried them into the house, up the stairs, and out the front door. Sometimes when I went to water them, I would forget where they were. I brought the plants inside when a freeze threatened.

But still I fretted that they weren't getting enough sun. I realized they would get even MORE if I moved them back and forth every day—morning in the front, afternoon in the back.

But I kept picturing someone calling men in white coats to come and take me away somewhere to "rest," so I refrained.

I have done this moving of the plants enough times that I am considering stopping my weekly workouts out at the Y for, perhaps, several years. Of course, I am always considering stopping my workouts at the Y. But the Plant Workout, consisting of plenty of bending, stretching, stair climbing, even weight-bearing, might actually justify a boycott.

But then winter would come, and what would I do? Perhaps the cold season could usher in the Fake Plant Workout, in which I would shuffle pots of plastic plants from upstairs to downstairs, or even outside.

I'll definitely have to consider it, just as soon as I locate my living plants and water them.

1 comment: said...

Yeah sometimes there is a lot of work with planting and all other work with it. I understand you totally cause my mom always plants something and I have to take care of it.