As I and my fellow previously employed editors set about finding new jobs, we have every reason to be optimistic and upbeat. Editors have many skills that are of great practical benefit in everyday situations, and other people are generally very appreciative of such skills being exercised in their behalf, as evidenced here:
Pointing out mistakes in menus, signs, brochures, etc.
Editor to restaurant manager: Excuse me, did you know that chicken is misspelled on your menu? Twice? A different way each time?
Manager: So don't order the chicken.
Pointing out spelling mistakes on birth certificates
Editor to new parent: You spelled your child's name with a comma in it.
New parent: No, that's an apostrophe.
Editor: No, that's a comma.
New parent: Listen, you, I gave birth to the kid and I'll put semicolons in his name if I want!
Editor (impressed): You know what a semicolon is?
Pointing out font irregularities
Editor to motor vehicle office employee: Um, you do realize the font on the first E on this license plate is not the same as on the second E, right?
Employee: Next!
Reducing unwanted e-mail
New acquaintance to editor: You're an editor, huh? Like, you probably find everything wrong with e-mails people send you? Ha ha, I wouldn't want to e-mail you!
Editor: Great.
Reducing the number of horribly written books on the market
Slight acquaintance of editor: Hey, uh, I wrote this manuscript I thought you might want to look, know, maybe give me some advice for having it published...
Editor (briefly looking over the tome): I think you should go into another line of work. Like selling trash compactors.
So, I am not worried about finding another job. People love editors. The truth about how editors have contributed to a better society may never be known. If everyone else can help it.
Uh, maybe it is not such a good idea for me to send emails to you...
Have no fear, you who do not abuse exclamation points and commit other such travesties. You are safe.
Well, THAT'S a relief !!!!!!!!!!!!
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