Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A hair-raising decision

Certain conditions recently have compelled me to engage in a strenuous search for an expert in a very demanding field, someone akin to brain surgeons with their attention to detail, steady nerves, and ability to carry out delicate, lifesaving work. I have been looking, in other words, for a hair stylist.

As many women can attest, this is not a task to be taken lightly. When women look for a hair stylist, they are looking for more than someone to provide hair care. They are looking for someone they can build a relationship with. Someone who understands their moods AND their hair's moods. Someone they trust with their LIFE.

Men, of course, also value experience in their hair person: "You cut your dog's hair once with a nail clipper when you were a kid? Great. I'm in."

Of course this is not true of ALL men. Some look for someone with sharp tool experience AND cheap prices.

For women, the arduous process involves asking other women they know and trust and whose hair styles they admire where they go to have their hair done, asking women who are total strangers whose hair styles they admire where THEY go, poring over websites and magazines for the perfect style and--not recognizing any of the photos as being of real humans--giving up in disgust, performing background searches on potential stylists, and finally choosing this one--wait, no, choosing THAT one--or maybe that other one? It's enough to make one pull one's hair out, in which case these is no longer a need for a stylist's services.

For men, at least three exhausting rounds of rock, scissors, paper are required before THEY can make a final choice.

Hmmm, maybe they have something there...

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