Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Halloween frights

According to news reports, police in England were called to a gentleman's home to let him know that, according to a neighbor, the Halloween decorations in his yard -- nicknamed Texas Chainsaw Massacre -- were "too scary"  and were "frightening neighborhood children." The surprised man said the display was "just a spot of fun," which proves that a) he had innocent intentions and b) he is definitely British.

But frightening things don't necessarily have to be in our front yards to haunt us this time of year; here are but a few examples that come to mind...

  • Anticipating a mouthwatering slice of leftover apple pie, opening the refrigerator to find an EMPTY pie plate, and realizing the Pie Thief has gotten there before you.
  • Running out of candy on Halloween just before several large teenagers, their costumes consisting entirely of black smudges beneath their eyes, demand treats at your front door.
  • Dreaming that Black Friday is almost over and you've missed the best sales because your consumption of holiday turkey and mashed potatoes has rendered you comatose. 
  • Dreaming that the Pie Thief has struck again.
  • Waking up to find that he really has. AND that you really have missed Black Friday.
  • Looking in the mirror in the morning, wondering why you have your Halloween mask on already, and then realizing you DON'T have your Halloween mask on already.

Luckily, it's all just a spot of fun.

Q: How do British chickens cross the road?
A: According to this report, wearing reflective bibs.

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