Friday, August 17, 2007

We interrupt this blog

We regret that the Prissy Princess is unable to provide her readers with the enchanting blog posts they have come to expect for a couple of days. She is working feverishly to finish editing a manuscript for a client. The Prissy Princess can think of many things she would rather do than work on this particular project, which seems to have been concocted by throwing a bunch of words in a hat and drawing them out at random, but even the Prissy Princess cannot always have her way. Meanwhile, enjoy the weekend, and perhaps read some old blog posts if you need a fix!


Anonymous said...

Even a "Prissy Princess" needs a rest from the tiring duty of humoring her fans!

Good luck on your editing......which may give way to a new blog when you return!

Good day!

love to laugh said...

Dear sweet "Prissy Princess", I just finished reading all the blogs that I missed. So happy you are on a blog recess. so I could catch up. I loved each and every blog, so this comment must suffice for all of them A big YEAH! & WOW! The "prissy princess" gets a ride on the HOT POTATO TRAIN.

Anonymous said...

Bad,bad client. Come back SOON, Prissy Princess! We miss you.