So I was having a pity party. I even invited my husband, which I thought was generous of me, but he declined. In very strong words. The only "whine" he wanted in our house, he said, was the kind that goes in your mouth, not out of it.
I had been trying to do an assignment for an online class I'm taking, Research Methods for Writers. I thought it would be fun. I thought it would be interesting. I thought it would be informative. It's been informative, all right. It's informed me that I am not even as smart as a second grader. During a seemingly simple search of the Library of Congress Web site, I could not find anything even remotely related to the search terms I entered. If I put in "humorous quotes," it gave me something about a priest leading a St. Patrick's Day parade. If I put in "talk show hosts," I got several entries about Catherine the Great.
After about a half hour of this, the pity party began. "What am I doing wrong??" I whined. Yes, whined.
Joe did take great pity on me, even though he allowed me none for myself. "Think how else you could enter the terms," he urged. "This is forcing you to be creative." And he was right. It did force me to be creative, if by "creative" he meant "go crazy."
Later I was searching the Web site of an elementary school curriculum and randomly picked the second-grade curriculum to browse. Do you know what 7-year-olds are learning these days? In addition to "express ideas in original compositions" and "study time, money, temperature, and capacity," there were technology goals, including learning to use spreadsheets and databases.
"Forget continuing ed classes," I said to Joe. "I need to go back to second grade!" Just before my pity party, I'd been asking him to please explain databases in language I could understand. No doubt these 7-year-olds could have told me.
In social studies, the kids were expected to learn about "old-world figures," by which they probably meant Tony Blair. I brightened considerably when I read the science objectives. The kids would learn about rocks! Surely I know everything there is to know about rocks. They're hard. Gray. And would really, really hurt if they hit you in the head.
Maybe I'm not so dumb after all.
You are now much WISER after inviting the Joseph to your pity party (NEVER....EVER.....EVER..... invite a man to a pity party!!!!)
First of all they never bring "pity" with them! They bring fixer ideas to FIX the "problem"! Well anyone who knows anything about "pity-parties" knows they are for pity (fo heavens sakes!), not about ANSWERS per say!.......we just want more "PITY"!
Anyway, moving on here.............
don't you worry your little princess-ness over this matter...I am here with a whole buggy load of pity just for you. Afterall I know all about those Pity Parties!
So carry on!
Ah, yes, Cissy, sometimes I forget that pity parties are meant to be "girls only"...I'm sure your buggy load of pity will come in handy! Although I have to say that "the Joseph" is actually pretty good with pity, just not when it comes to computers...
ok first off - what's with calling me the 'The Joseph'? I feel like a self removed object in the 3rd person. Pretty soon I'll be saying 'Let's ask The Joseph?'
Secondly - there is a difference between pitty and whining. I'm gonna go out on a line here and suggest that in a pitty party the girl of all girls could not stand to be in a room with whaling, whining, weasing, women. Of coarse assuming there isn't enough chocolate to keep there mouths closed.
Well, thanks alot...Now Mr. Nosy Neighbor is insisting on being called "The Christopher"!!!
The Joseph SOUNDS put out, but really he's just having a pity party...
it's my party and I'll be ironic if i want to
I haven't logged on for awhile.
IMAGINE my surprise to see "the Joseph" responding to our response in regards to his response! (wheew!)
Ok little brother, easy on the chocolate know its our best friend. I'll be seeing you in a couple weeks...........and we'll have a little talk then!
In the meantime.......I'm telling MOM!
Cissy - haven't you heard fruit is the NEW chocolate
See....that's one of those "fixer things! What is the "the Jofus" thinking? Don't mess with my mind so close to Christmas! Bring Chocolate and no one will get hurt!
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