Monday, March 3, 2008

Warning: This drug may hurt you

While researching an allergy medication I've been taking, I learned some interesting facts. One of these facts explains why I've had the urge to burst forth into mooing lately, and why cows have been showing up at our back door.

Just kidding. But I did read that another form of the drug I'm taking can cause "headache, cold, coughing, or accidental injury."

"Accidental injury"? What exactly are we talking about here?

That's all the Web site said. It did not explain what this injury might be, or how seriously it might affect one's bodily functioning or quality of life. Could something happen internally from taking this drug -- say, maybe your esophagus becomes dislodged and rams into your
spleen? Could it drastically change your outer appearance, frightening dogs and causing them to attack you? Does the medicine make you more clumsy and therefore more likely to step on the nail gun your husband forgot to put away? Or do they not really know what it might do; they just want to cover themselves in case something "accidentally" happens? The Web site categorically denies that you will become sleepy taking this drug, so I guess we can rule out car accidents or "heavy machinery" accidents.

Here's another thought: Nowhere does it say that the injury necessarily occurs to the person taking the medicine; perhaps, for instance, it causes the person to gain an inordinate amount of weight, thereby increasing the chances that another person happening to be in the vicinity of the now-grossly-overweight person will get hurt if the overweight person loses balance and falls over onto the second person. In the interest of self-preservation, you might want to ask
the people around you, in a casual manner, if they happen to be taking any medication, and what sort of side effects might occur, and whether you might be in any danger from these side effects.

And if you notice any cows following you home, get help immediately.

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