Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to school, or not? That is the question

It's back-to-school time! But if you are a student in our county, you really don't have much to worry about in terms of attending school. After all, school was barely back in session this year before letting students out two hours early for heat. This prompted parents to scramble for child care and mutter, "When I was a student, we didn't get any 'heat days.' We went to school in all kinds of weather. Heat! Cold! Hurricanes! Volcanoes! Apocalypses!"

This is the same school system that, along with most other schools in the state, had a record number of snow days last winter. Kids made up some days, and then schools were granted clemency from the remaining ones, as the state figured that otherwise students would not get out of school for the year until they were well into their 60s. And teachers would be well into Guinness-record ages, although this would seem perfectly normal to students, who already think their teachers were around to witness creation firsthand.

But I am sure that the school year will settle down into a serious routine, as befits an atmosphere for learning, as soon as the heat lets up, hurricanes stop being forecast, falling leaves are cleared away from sidewalks, Halloween is finally over, Christmas parties end, snow stops clogging our roads, etc. And then it will be summer again!

We apologize for today's brief blog post. The Princess and Hero are in the midst of further home renovations, and are feverishly researching wood floors that are old and neat and have character but are not too icky.

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