Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Old world discomfort

Today we are pleased to present a short Guide to Reproduction Sofas, inspired by the Princess and Hero's ongoing search for the perfect sofa for their period family room, which at this point in the renovation process more resembles a period barn, but without a floor.

Why is such a guide needed? If you are on a quest for a new, yet old-looking sofa, you will no doubt encounter confusing product descriptions that may lead you to believe you are getting an old look with modern comfort. Ha ha! That's what we thought, too. Here is what these terms really mean:

generous proportions = don't eat too much dessert

restful seating = if you are unconscious

no overstuffing = like the feel of sitting on springs?

superb old look = and superb old feel

very straight back = prepare to be catapulted out of the seat

more primitive leg = may hold you up, may not

And here is our rating of comfort levels:

quaint = uncomfortable

authentic = mighty uncomfortable

very, very primitive = mighty, mighty uncomfortable

"hired hand's couch" = a wood floor would be more comfortable

visually stunning = no one wants to sit in it

We hope this short guide to reproduction furniture is beneficial. As the Princess and Hero continue their search for a sofa, stay tuned to find out whether they go for the quaint or visually stunning.

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