Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bon voyage, commuter stye

Various of my new co-workers are determined to find a quicker route to work for me than my current commute, despite my protestations that I am fine with my current commute. They helpfully suggest everything short of being shot out of a cannon positioned on my home property and aimed in the direction of our office building. If anyone did suggest this I might consider it, although the homeowners' association would no doubt object to something about it.

If people really wanted to help with my commute, they might set about finding a way to fix a certain escalator leading to the subway, which has been broken for quite some time and adds an inordinate* amount of time (*43 seconds) to my daily commute. Workers have been pretending to fix it for several weeks, but apparently have now given up even pretending to fix it. There is an alternative escalator at the opposite end of the station that is working, but we all seem to believe that we must use this escalator, no matter that it adds an inordinate* amount of time (*9,126 seconds) to our collective daily commutes.

But perhaps I am missing an obvious solution here -- just aim the cannon over the escalator...

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