If you have read this blog for any length of time, you may realize that I prefer to work for companies believing strongly in making the world a better place, and therefore give their employees a chance to engage in meaningful work projects, such as consuming large amounts of cake at parties.
I am happy to say that my new company is built on this same strong tradition of bettering people's lives through Things that Taste Really, Really Good. In the month that I have worked there, we have had approximately three celebrations per day, and when they can't find anyone having a birthday in a particular week, we have "goodbye parties." Goodbye parties are ostensibly for people leaving the company of their own free will, but which I suspect are for people who are heavily bribed to leave so we can have an excuse to celebrate. Probably they are secretly kept on the payroll somehow, maybe under "Cake Consultant" or something.
I personally see nothing at all wrong with these parties, and indeed lament the fact that people do not have more than one birthdy per year, because then we could have more parties and more cake and not have to bribe people to leave.
Please do not misunderstand. I do believe that it is necessary, even occasionally desirable, to eat healthy foods, if by healthy one means "containing an ample portion of sugar."
But this propensity of employees to consume cake mid-afternoon has apparently alarmed the Spirit Committee, which has launched two initiatives which seem to be aimed directly at this shameful employee behavior.
Here we must ask the reader's patience in waiting for the remainder of this story (yes, there is one, although we may not quite know what it is yet). The Princess has been under attack this week by alien life forms, otherwise known as Pollen, which her hypervigilant immune system is convinced will take over if not annihilated. She promises that as soon as there is some sort of peace brokered among these warring factions, she will return to writing full-strength.
1 comment:
Ok, your adoring public will await your return to a nose that is not running and eyes not watering...
but we cannot promise to be patient about it.....
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