Monday, September 26, 2011

And to all a good year

Well, the new school year is well underway in our area, although there is some disagreement about when, exactly, it began. According to district calendars, school opened about a month ago, but students contend that it has been "forever." 

In honor of this occasion -- whenever it was -- we would like to offer a random sampling of student opinion on the subject of school starting. (This random sample consists entirely of students we know personally.)

Student #1: Angst-ridden kindergartner facing the first day of school.
Child (with impressive wailing): I CAN'T go to kindergarten, Mom! I don't know how to do math!
Mother: You don't have to know math first, honey. You'll learn it in kindergarten.
Student (with immediate cessation of wailing): Really? Cool.

Student #2: Self-assured kindergartner who attended a preschool that encouraged children to take the initiative and speak their own minds.
Mother: So, how was your first day of kindergarten?
Child: Uh, okay. But the teacher talks too much.
Mother: What did she say?
Child: She said I talk too much.

Student #3: Scholarly kindergartner who, we expect, will be running the class soon.
Mother: What did you learn in school today?
Child: We really don't learn anything in kindergarten, you know. Well, except during Cooperative Learning time, which is really just play time.

Student #4: The Hero (with a protracted sigh): Class doesn't start 'til the middle of October.

The Princess (with great joy): The Hero's class doesn't start 'til the middle of October! More time for him to cook dinners, do laundry, vacuum...

And so, to all you young students out there, the Hero wishes to say: Enjoy school! Stay as long as you can! Especially if you're a boy.

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