Today we feature a continuation of yesterday's posts, with updated Proverbs for these modern days.
- He that winketh with the eye...probably has a bad contact.
- A prudent man concealeth knowledge...the rest of us happily telleth everyone what we know.
- Anxiety weigheth a man's heart down...but it rarely keepeth him awake at night. His wife, now...
- Hope deferred maketh the heart why not get what you want right now?
- The wisest of women buildeth her house...and even ventureth to use power tools.
- Even in laughter the heart may ache...not to mention the stomach.
- The wise will inherit honor...although money would be nice, too.
- Ponder the path of your feet...and if they goeth in the direction of the mall, do not stop them.
- Do not swerve to the right or to the left...particularly on a one-lane road.
- The lot is cast into the lap...along with one's coffee when one is startled.
- Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs...rather than a woman who hath run out of chocolate.
- Whoever ignores instruction...cometh home from the grocery store with all the wrong items.
You need a "Like" button! Loved this one.
I have considered it, but was afraid of getting no likes...
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