Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A ha-ha recharge

The Prissy Princess, having run out of interesting things to poke fun at in her blog, sets off Thursday for the Erma Bombeck Humor Writer's Workshop in Ohio to steal other writers' material. Just kidding! But she does look forward to having a good time, meeting other humor writers, and, for once, not falling asleep during a keynote speech.

She leaves the castle in the capable hands of the Gallant Hero, who will no doubt take advantage of the Princess's absence to bust up some walls in the basement and engage in other manly Hero pursuits.She only asks that the castle not be completely in shambles at her return, and that all the laundry be properly stowed in the hamper instead of being used as bedroom adornments.


Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time! We will keep an eye out for any collapsing walls or laundry spilling out the door.

ilovecomics said...

Don't forget to watch out for any aliens bent on abducting the house. Um, maybe that should be dragons abducting the castle...