Mornings on vacation are not like mornings at home. Unless you are one of those people who leap out of bed each morning -- that is, unless you are the product of some weird science experiment gone wrong -- getting up for your normal activities is not unlike having all your eyelashes systematically yanked off by some giant, malevolent creature. But when you wake up on vacation, you are wide-eyed, cheerful, eager to start the day's adventures. You are even first in line when they open the pancake house.
At least that is how it is the first morning. After that, it is all downhill.
Morning #2: Wake up a little later, realizing that the day's activities will still be there even if you aren't by sunrise. The pancake house still sounds like a good idea.
Morning #3: When your traveling companion attempts to waken you, respond by putting your pillow over your head. If he persists, put your pillow over his head. Hard. If he tries to entice you with descriptions of the pancakes awaiting at the pancake house, gag.
Morning #4: Awaken to find the maid, having tired of waiting for you to vacate the room, vacuuming around you. When she sees that you are awake, she turns off the vacuum and proceeds to tell you what she thinks of your behavior, all in a language that you don't speak, although her meaning is clear enough. In response, tell her what you think of pancake houses.
Last Morning: Panic. Get up even earlier than the first day, realizing that this is your last day to have fun, maybe for the rest of your life.
And vow to never eat another pancake again.
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