In honor of Valentine's Day, today we present a short quiz about this universally celebrated ("universal" referring to the U.S., Canada, Australia, Mexico, England, and France) holiday. Answers follow, although we make no claim that they are the correct answers.
Valentine's Day Quiz
1. Who gets the most Valentine cards?
a. Wives, girlfriends, other assorted females
b. Pets
c. Cute little Mary Jo in Mrs. Thompson's third-grade class
d. People who send them to themselves
2. Sending Valentine cards became popular during the Civil War. True or false?
a. True
b. False -- people have been sending Valentine cards since the cave days, although back then they didn't have the postal service, so they just sort of hurled the cards through the air
c. False -- it was in the Revolutionary War, because it was considered a revolutionary idea to have men go to the store all by themselves and get cards, flowers, candy, etc.
3. According to English tradition, what happens to the first man a woman sees on Valentine's Day?
a. He dies.
b. He feels a sudden urge to buy flowers.
c. He feels a sudden urge...particularly if this happens first thing in the morning.
4. If 19% of people send flowers for Valentine's Day, and 15% of women send themselves flowers for Valentine's Day, what does this mean?
a. 19% of people send flowers for Valentine's Day, and 15% of women send themselves flowers for Valentine's Day
b. Can you repeat the question without using numbers? They hurt my head.
5. What happens to someone hit by Cupid's arrow?
a. He/she falls in love.
b. He/she contracts measles.
c. He/she makes Cupid very, very sorry.
6. How many Valentine cards does Hallmark carry?
a. 1330+
b. 1330+ for men to give to women, 2 for women to give to men
7. Who sends the most Valentine cards?
a. Men
b. Women
c. Smelly little Bobby in Mrs. Thompson's third-grade class
8. Who sends the most cards on ALL other holidays and special occasions?
a. Men
b. Women
9. Is this fair?
a. No
b. No
Answers to Valentine Quiz
1. The actual answer is teachers, which, if you were reading carefully, is not listed.
2. c, sort of
3. The actual answer is not listed, mainly because I forgot what it was.
4. a, although b is also a perfectly acceptable answer
5. The traditional answer is considered to be a, but this may vary by victim.
6. In my experience, b
7. a, particularly when continually reminded by their sweethearts or persuasive TV and radio ads
8. b
9. a! and b!, at least if you belong to 8b
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