Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This e-mail may be monitored

The administration at Joe's company is extremely concerned about company secrets leaking out to the world at large ("Dude! Our new building has a nap room!"). You can see how devastating it would be if news like this got out. Everyone would want to work there. Therefore, managers monitor random employee e-mails to make sure that such sensitive information is not being imparted to outside parties.

So Joe and I are very careful about the topics we discuss through e-mail, and we are sensitive to the fact that Joe's manager, whom we will call Stan (in a break from our usual policy, this is NOT his real name), will be privy to our innermost thoughts. Below are some examples of our sensitive handling of our innermost thoughts on an issue that is vital to our relationship, and one that necessitates frequent communication on our part.


What do you want to get for dinner tonight? pizza? subs?
Love, Joe
Stan -- Do you have a preference?

Getting tired of subs; maybe we should get pizza for a change.
Love, Holly
P.S. Hey, Stan, how does vegetarian pizza sound?

Pizza sounds good.

Love, Joe
P.S. I don't think Stan would like vegetarian -- he's on Atkins.

Okay, meat lover's it is.
Love, Holly
P.S. Stan, how's your family?

Wanna go to the Fantastic Fun Fall Festival after dinner?
Love, Joe
P.S. Stan said he and "Marie" really liked it.

It's been a long week. I'm too tired to go anywhere. Let's just watch a movie tonight.
Love, Holly
P.S. Stan, have you seen "Benjamin Button"?

Sorry to hear you are tired out. I'M not tired! I "relaxed" in a semi-reclining position in the "relaxation" room today at work. COOL!
Love, Joe
P.S. Don't worry, Stan, no one will guess we're really talking about the nap room. And we really haven't told TOO many -- WHEEP! WHEEP! WHEEP! -- Oh, no, I set off the e-mail alarm! It may be a while til I see you again, Sweetie! I love you!

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