Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Soggy Halloween!

Halloween celebrations often have a theme, such as the 50s, cartoon characters, dead celebrities, etc. The theme of our Halloween this year was: rain.

It rained not a bit the whole day until my pumpkin nephew and angel niece stepped foot outside to begin their adventure. We discovered,
among other things, that rain and angel wings do not mix. The angel was down one wing right out of the house, and the other wing sagged sadly until, weighed down with water and despair at not being able to properly do its job, finally collapsed to the ground in a heap.

As we slogged along, the kids happily skipping in the rain while the adults all tried to huddle under one umbrella, the six-year-old remarked on the lack of trick-or-treaters out.

"It's probably because of the rain," we told him.

He stopped, astonished at this thought. "Why would that make any difference?" he said.

We also discovered that trick-or-treaters should be encouraged to travel as lightly as possible. The more accouterments they are lugging around, the more likely they are to ditch them in a neighbor's yard, use them as weapons, or -- worst of all -- make you carry the things. Such was the case with a young grim reaper among us, who soon grew weary of carrying his plastic ax. It got passed from person to person until it came to me, who had never met the young man before that evening, and who regarded the skull on the end of the ax as highly distasteful. I tried to look as if I were unaware and unconcerned that I was carrying a weapon with a highly distasteful skull on the end.

After some time, it dawned on Grim Reaper that I was carrying his ax. "Hey, that's my ax," he said pleasantly.

"It is," I agreed. "Would you like it back?" I held it out to him encouragingly.

He thought for several seconds. "No, thanks, I'm good," he said politely. "You can keep carrying it."

And so I soldiered on, drenched, with a skull ax in one hand and a bedraggled angel wing in the other. Next time, we bring a wagon. For all the accouterments, and for me.


A Nosy Neighbor said...

I would have liked to have seen this! You should have stayed here and come to the Halloween gathering next door. There was too much yummy food (always the sign of a good time, in my mind) and several scary movies. Mr. Nosy Neighbor had to leave during the last one...
But I digress...

ilovecomics said...

Mr. Nosy Neighbor was not the only one to be adversely affected by the scary movies shown that night...I came home to a house blazing with lights because SOMEONE was scared out of his wits after watching Psycho!