Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick-or-treat equal opportunity

It's almost Halloween, and that means many parents are going to be frantically searching last-minute for the perfect costume for their kids, or at least a costume, or at the very least a trash bag, which can be many things with just a little imagination, including a bag of trash.

A co-worker said the kids in her childhood neighborhood started trick-or-treating a whole week early, and went every night through Halloween. This probably came about as a result of the parents realizing they had spent a collective 2,374 hours making their kids' costumes, and by golly the kids were gonna wear those costumes more than one night! This must have seemed like a good idea to everyone except the parent whose kid needed 17 hours to put on the costume.

Another co-worker's daughter wants to be a princess every year, and being equal-opportunity parents who want to free their daughter from demeaning stereotypical roles, last year they encouraged her to be a chicken. (Hey, both boys AND girls can be chickens.) As a result of their encouragement to break out of the princess mold, she has been a princess only one Halloween, although she has also been a cupcake fairy, which the parents consider a close relative to the princess.  

Other parents interested in equal opportunity costumes might choose, say, Bat Girl, or the Grim Reaper. If you have a little girl who just doesn't want to give up her dream of wearing a tiara, maybe you can compromise, and have her be the Chicken Princess. Or -- this just might catch on -- a Trash Bag With Tiara.

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