Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The garden art grows

As recently mentioned, our yard is getting a little crowded with what might be politely termed garden art, and not so politely termed something else. The other evening I noticed the addition of two more "objects of art," which were not placed there by me.

"Did you see anything outside?" the Hero asked when I came in the house.

He had apparently, while cutting up some old wood with a jigsaw, been seized with the idea of making some animals out of it, and placed them on the fence.

"They're nice," I said. "What, um...are they?"

I did not wish to imply any criticism of his creations, as MY drawing and representational efforts might be mistaken for something done by a kicking baby in utero, and my personal experience with power tools is limited to trying not to get hurt by them.

"Well, the one is a duck," he said, "but there was a little accident with the jigsaw, and WHOOP! the duck had no legs. And the other one was supposed to be a sheep, because you like sheep, but I wasn't sure how to make its head, so it came out looking sort of like a cow. And it only has two legs. And I ran out of wood for the tail."

We decided the duck was just sitting in some water, where its legs wouldn't be seen anyway.

I could see a round pencil sketch on the head of one of the animals, which gave it sort of a speech bubble appearance.

"There's a speech bubble on the sheep/cow's head," I noted.

"It's probably saying, 'Why did I have to be the hybrid? And where are the rest of my legs? And why is there a duck sitting on my head?' "

"Next time maybe don't make the speech bubble so big," I said.

I am sure the duck and sheep/cow won't be the last creatures to take up residence with us. In time, our yard could even become known as the Garden of Misfit Animals. No feeding, no taking for walks -- just our type of pet.


A Nosy Neighbor said...

I'm complaining to the HOA... :)

ilovecomics said...

You may have to wait in line!

A Nosy Neighbor said...

Did you see anything ELSE outside?

ilovecomics said...

What CAN you be referring to??