Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Where, oh where, is the Princess?

The Princess has again been placed into bonds and chains until she finishes her current work assignment, which does not involve posting blog messages. The Hero, meanwhile, is off becoming a Canadian in Toronto, learning such native customs as the difference between loonies and toonies. He notes that they both make a great amount of noise in your pocket when you're walking, and heartily supports the continued use of paper dollar bills in this country.

The blog will return shortly, provided the Princess's bonds and chains are eventually cut off.


A Nosy Neighbor Who Misses Reading This Blog said...

Oh My Goodness...the Princess has yet to be released from her bonds. Surely had she escaped, she would have written a new blog already...Fear not, Fair Princess, help is on the way.....(The writer of the previous statement has no idea what help to give the Princess, but the words just felt right.)

ilovecomics said...

We appreciate your concern. Ask and ye shall receive!