As I mentioned in an earlier blog entry, the toilet lid at our house remains firmly down at all times. Not just the seat, the lid too. This is due in large part to the information we came across about how germs spread like 14 feet when you flush the toilet, making a beeline for your toothbrush. But besides that, we keep the lid down because who wants to look at a toilet bowl? Our bathroom is right at the top of the stairs, and the toilet bowl is at eye level when you come up the stairs, and it's not especially attractive even when it's clean.
Now this causes me a dilemma when I am at other people's homes. Do I put their toilet lid down, as I would at home, or would the next person consider this a nuisance? If I put it down, should I leave a note about why I am putting it down? Or should I just leave it up, as it was when I came in? Have the hosts read the germ statistics? Do they care that their toothbrushes might get infected? Perhaps I should leave the lid up, out of concern for the next person entering, but cover the toothbrushes.
The dilemmas do not stop with the toilet lid when I am a guest in someone else's bathroom. How do I arrange the towel after using it -- the way it was, all scrunched up from 13 other people using it, or folded nicely the way I would at home? And is this the way the hostess would fold it? Which towel do I use, anyway? Sometimes there is more than one to choose from, although generally the bath towels can be discounted.
And where do I stop after the towels? Should I thoughtfully clean up all the water drips between the sink and the towels? Should I replace the soap if it is getting low? Turn the shampoo bottle upside down to maximize the last little bit left? Replace the light bulb with a more efficient one? I am paralyzed with indecision.
And my husband wonders why I take so long in the bathroom.
Oh you humans.......everything is so complicated!
Let us tell you how it's done!
First, find a fresh open area of unurniated turf, fertilize the immediate area, flick your feet in a backward motion 10 times real fast and move on........perhaps to an amoeba infested pool of stagnate rain water (A little bacteria is good for your innards). Chew on a few fallen branches (cleans and sharpens teeth- no toothbrushes needed.)
Keep things'll add 15 years to your life!
Sincerest Regards,
Your eternally youthful 4 legged forest friends!
P.S. Play dough?? Never tried it.....hmmmm!
the real reason i have bought into closing the toil lid, is because the said wonderful wife has 10 million items in a flimsy cloth box directy above the toilet and the odds of it falling and landing in the toilet seat are to high not to keep the toilet seat closed.
gosh, does this mean when we visit peoples houses it shouldn't rumpel up the hand drying towels?
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