Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The range revisited

All great writers, at some point in their writing career, put forth an article or a book or at least an ad in the phone book that generates both praise and criticism from readers. Yesterday's blog entry, on the proliferation of wildlife in our area, was just such a piece. I heard from others whose peaceful, tranquil lives -- and property -- has, like ours, been intruded upon by four-footed critters, and from some who admire these animals' intellect in getting us to provide them with free food.

But naysaying is always to be expected, especially if you are a great writer (awful writers, of course, have their naysayers as well, so that it is
sometimes hard to distinguish between the two). Somewhat surprisingly, I received a comment from the animals themselves. On top of pilfering greens from our gardens and keeping us up at night, they are now demanding respect for these activities, with the somewhat lame excuse that we should find them "at least somewhat cute."

Now the idea that we should excuse inexcusable behavior on the basis of cuteness is not new. Curious George has committed innumerable mischievous, even destructive, acts during his long literary lifetime and has never received so much as a time-out in consequence. And in real life, babies and puppies get away with barfing on your best dry-cleaned skirt, chewing your shoes, and destroying your favorite lamp. But one hopes that these individuals eventually learn not to behave this way. Wildlife, on the other hand, though they might learn to display pseudo-civilized behavior (banging on doors, bringing along fork and knife to the garden buffet, etc.), never get to the point where they are truly well-behaved. They outgrow their cuteness the minute they sink their little teeth into your lilies. I used to think rabbits were cute. I know better now.

I realize that this blog may anger my wild neighbors even more. They are probably unionizing right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Curious George!!!! You compared us to that little "monkey-boy wannabe?"

Oh, now we have truly been offended, (not just "slightly").

Why that George kid! He just ain't behav'n any way that is good for nobody........mice or man!

As "spokes-mammal" for myself and my forest friends, I have to say.....................

You may not be aware of this small matter, but one of our best-est friends came over on the Boat! Yeah, that's right....THE Boat!
A big one with an ARK! Yeah... and he invited us aboard, (well 2 of each of us anyway) may have heard of him....his name is NOAH! (no one messes with Noah, that's why his name begins with "NO!)

And he gave us a "big paws-up" on all the "goodies and grubs" in your yard (which is really OUR yard before you snatched it away).

NO...... we can't just have a nibble here and a nibble there! Not since Mr. "T" .

Mr. Too Cool for Nature Man! Who else! He thinks it's all about "him". Ever heard of "SHARING, Mr. "T?" Fuss'n over noth'in! So we have a few parties here and there? So what, weren't you a kid critter once? Give us a break! Go ahead, call the "Lawn Ranger" already..........we aren't defeated yet! Ever heard of strength in numbers?

As a matter of fact we held a meeting at Bunny's Bunker last Tuesday. Yes, that's right, we took a break from HoJo's Buffet.

Sonny (squirrel) motioned that we unite our efforts. Bosley (racoon) seconded the motion. We are ONE". We are invincible!(thanks for the union suggestion).
Now, we just have to find a dude named "Robert" and ask him about some Rules! (tsk...tsk...tsk!)

What's that I see? Is that a tear trickling down your face? Don't worry about us....we'll be alright! Really, oh don't cry....we hate to see pretty women cry! We'll do just fine.

Hey, since your emotionally involved now, would you like to be part of the "plan"? No hard feeling's! We'll let you help......REALLY!......just leave those little "hammer" things out on the porch tonight. (We promise not to tell Papa Campbell). You won't have to worry about where to put them.........we have just the place!

Peace, love and dove! (Noah has a thing about Dove's)

Sincerely, hoping to strike agreeable terms with you and Mr. Joe!
Papa Bear

P.S. Got anything but "lillies" to munch on? Gonna be needing some real "brain food here". And remember, "united we stand, divided we fall"!