Thursday, April 9, 2009

Where, oh where, should our vacation be?

We are making great progress, Joe and I, in our search for an all-new vacation destination this year. We have both been through the book that details 100 vacations to enrich your life and marked trips we would be interested in. Out of 4 chapters, Joe has marked vacations in Chapters 1 and 4. All my dream vacations are in Chapters 2 and 3.

I guess we should have bought a book with an uneven amount of chapters.

Most of Joe's dream vacations can be categorized by one of two themes: building things, and performing various acts of athletic ability on large bodies of water. He has marked things like "build a Windsor chair at a folk school," "enjoy a surfin' safari," and "get your sea legs on a sailboat."

He has also indicated interest in something called "prepare to survive in the wilderness." I hope he is prepared to survive in the wilderness alone.

Ahh, here is something different: "Shake your booty at a dance camp." I assume that this can't-pass-up opportunity is held somewhere in New York, but reading further I discover that it is offered by -- really -- Brigham Young University. I try to imagine shaking one's booty to the sounds of "The Hallelujah Chorus," sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but it is not an image that comes easily to mind.

Ooooo, wait, Joe has marked two "historic spas." Now that sounds -- No! No! Nothing historic, I remind myself.

All the vacations I am drawn to involve digging. Digging for Native American artifacts, dinosaur bones, remnants of historic buildings. As long as I am not required to dig for my food, as I suspect might be the case were we to embark on the "
prepare to survive in the wilderness" adventure, I am fine.

Somewhere in this book is a destination that promises something for him and something for her, which sounds like it might be our best bet. The something for him is fishing, which Joe professes he would enjoy doing sometime. I can't remember what the something for her is.
I just hope there's some digging involved somewhere.


A Nosy Neighbor said...

How about you dig for worms for Joe's fishing? Alternatively, I can tell you about where we are going this summer...and it involves among other activities like lounging at the pool sipping freshly made smoothies (with or without alcohol), a couples' massage and champagne dinner after...

ilovecomics said...

Did you say you needed another couple to come along??