Friday, March 13, 2009

Lord, it's me

You know, Lord, You sure do have a sense of humor. People say You often answer prayers in ways we don't expect. Well, when I prayed that You would help me figure out how to balance all the things I have to get done in a day -- sleeping, eating, eating some more, sleeping; there's never enough time! -- I certainly did not expect that Your solution would involve Joe, health food stores, and bread that tastes like hockey pucks because it is gluten free.

Nope, didn't see that coming at all. In fact, it didn't hit me at first that that was Your answer.

I guess I was expecting, You know, to get a maid, or a personal chef. A personal chef would be nice. Really nice. No more spending precious brain cells -- which don't seem to be as plentiful as they used to be, by the way; do You have any remedy for that? -- on what to make for dinner. No more schlepping around the grocery store on Saturday mornings when I could be doing more productive things, like sleeping. No more spending two hours every evening cooking.

Well, in a way I don't have to worry about those things anymore. Joe does a lot of the cooking now, with the few little ingredients he can have, poor thing. He's shopped for food more in the last four weeks than he has in the last four years. So it's helped a lot, really it has.

But You know, Lord, if You don't mind my saying so,
and if it doesn't seem too ungrateful of me, I'm getting a little tired of stir-fry.

Now, I like stir-fry. Especially when someone else goes to the trouble of making it for me, like Joe's been doing. But even with different ingredients every night, it still tastes pretty much the same. It really is true that a lot of things taste like chicken.

What's that, Lord? You say I'm starting to sound like the children of Israel in the wilderness? You mean the ones who got in BIG trouble when they started complaining about the manna You sent them? Well, You know, when I think about it, stir-fry really is pretty tasty. And there's nothing wrong with eating chicken, or chicken-like food, every night. No, Sir, nothing at all. Things aren't too bad here after all, I guess.

But maybe You could just think about that personal chef idea...?


Anonymous said...

it ain't beef
it ain't pork
it ain't fish
it's me Oh Lord, standing in the need of a soy replacement in the wok

it ain't kolby
it ain't shellfish
it ain't spam
it's me Oh Lord, standing in the need of a soy replacement in the wok

davebarry said...

Umm...don't quit your day job, okay? Unless your day job is song-writing, in which case I'm willing to make an exception.