Friday, October 19, 2007

Please beat your head against a wall

We apologize for today's late, short entry. The Princess is wiped out by a day of visits to the doctor and the grocery store, the latter of which may have been the most traumatic. The incident in the meat section, in fact, just may induce her to vegetarianism. But more on that another day.

I don't even remember what Web site I was trying to get to, but instead of what I was looking for, I got this message:

There was a server error.
Okay. That happens.

If you reload this page, it will most likely go away.
Is that a promise?

So please refresh this page now by clicking the reload button on your Web browser.
Didn't you just say that would make the page go away?

If you get this page a second time, please try reloading the page again.

If you keep getting this page, please wait an hour and try again.
And ask yourself why you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again.

If it comes back then, please e-mail ____________________.
Why? Isn't that supposed to be the result I WANT?

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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