Friday, January 25, 2008

Slightly Humorous reaches 200!

No, we don't mean 200 readers (unless there are 196 very quiet readers who never let us know they're here, which, theoretically speaking, is entirely possible). But today is a very special's the 200th blog post of Slightly Humorous! To celebrate, we were going to have a guest writer today, but Dave* was unavailable.

Joe, however, would like to say a few words in honor of this momentous occasion:

"I would like to say that I feel I am VERY unfairly portrayed in this--"

OKAY, thank you very much, Mr. Guest Speaker!

"But I wasn't done ye--"

MOVING ON, I'm sure some of you are thinking, "Yeah, yeah, we went through all this hype for the 100th blog post. Are we gonna have to do this for every 100th milestone?"

Absolutely. We'll take any excuse we can make up to get out of writing something of substance for one day.

In closing today, Joe would like to remind everyone to vote in the blog survey, and especially to vote "No" for question #--

THANK YOU for that little plug, but let's allow our readers to make up their own minds, shall we? (How does he keep butting in??)

Anyway, stick around for post #300 (and all the ones in between)!


Anonymous said...

i think i am one of tjose 196 silent ones!!

Anonymous said...

Happy wear it well!!