Friday, April 9, 2010

Taxes at home

Ah, spring. The season that always leaves Joe and I wondering why, despite our diligent efforts to file tax items throughout the year in what seems to us a logical manner, when we go to retrieve our tax folder it resembles the inside of a second-grader's school desk.

If you work at home, generally you will be able to deduct some expenses for your home office, your home computer, your home landscaping, your home lawn and driveway, etc. Yes, landscaping may be a legitimate deduction if you regularly meet with clients at your home.

Unfortunately I never thought to take such a deduction while I was working at home. True, most our landscaping consists of large walnuts left on our porch by thoughtful squirrels, and my only regular clients were angry squirrels demanding to know what I had done with their walnuts, but that deduction might have come in handy. And although we have no lawn and no driveway, that wouldn't deter SOME people from deducting expenses for them.

I WILL, however, be seriously thinking of hiring one of the many neighborhood dogs to help out with this year's landscaping. At least one taxpayer has attempted to claim the family dog as an independent contractor for the dog's assistance in pulling a wagon while landscaping efforts were being undertaken.
I'm sure a dog would come in very handy while I work outside -- fetching the watering can, barking at slugs, restoring the walnuts to their original porch location, etc.

Although the government does not appear to keep statistics on unemployment rates among animals, there must be SOME dogs in our area who would appreciate the chance to earn some extra doggie treats.
And maybe one who could even help us with our tax folder.

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