Last weekend my sister and I visited a quaint little town on the water, the kind with a bunch of cute shops with adorable, expensive things for women to drool over, and, for the men, large, expensive yachts in the harbor to drool over. Having no men along on this trip, we set about shopping among such treasures as an antique ("previously beat-up") wooden cabinet for the incredibly low price of $10,000, and several purple lawn flamingos, which apparently were so rare and expensive they did not even carry a price tag.
But our objective quickly changed, in the face of record heat, from searching out treasures to keeping our various body parts from melting together and sliding, in one great heap, to the ground. The town saw record heat, measured in pounds of sweat shed per tourist. We ourselves shed a personal best of – well, never mind. Tourists even longingly eyed the dog bowls of water thoughtfully placed on the sidewalk by various merchants. No dogs were in sight, of course, being too wise to be out in such heat.
In the interest of keeping cool, we consumed approximately 357 gallons of ice cream each. The local ice cream store was air-conditioned and located in a gift shop, which encouraged customers to roam while eating their ice cream, and even to get more ice cream if they finished before completing a circuit of the store, which in our personal experience happened several times. Our ice cream experience also included wearing Death by Chocolate and Mango on our persons. When the ice cream/gift shop personnel began to hand us applications for employment, we went on to the next air-conditioned store, where we feigned great interest in the previously beat-up cabinet.
During such heat, experts suggest wearing a hat. Of course they also suggest this during the frigid winter, which makes you wonder whether their own personal hat is on a little too tight. What next? Telling us we should wear a hat to bed? While showering? While spelunking in the bowels of the earth?
But we digress.
After dutifully covering my head for a time, during which time I shed 4.5 pounds more sweat than I had without the hat, I came to the brilliant deduction that, if wearing a hat in winter keeps heat from escaping your body through your head, wearing a hat in summer...fries your brain. Which may explain why we seriously considered hiring one of the many boats docked to take us far out into the river and just dump us into the cool, soothing waters...
Eventually, of course, our sanity returned and we rejected this rather extreme measure. Instead, we headed for more ice cream. There was just a little spot left on our shirts for some Muskoxen Tracks.