Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Airport insecurity

Take heart, America -- the friendly skies are safer than ever.

There have been reports that two passengers at our local airport, identified only by their initials (JB and HB), recently were able to penetrate the wrong concourse at Northwest and, without any interference whatsoever from officials, get in line at a Chinese restaurant and order before anyone realized what had happened. The astounding thing is that they got past TWO people in security, neither of whom noticed that the passengers' boarding passes CLEARLY read Concourse C, whereas they were in line for Concourse D.

This news is very disturbing. I mean, what might have happened if these two had actually gained access to the Chinese restaurant's kitchen? The whole operation might have been shut down when they discovered what really goes into the Pu Pu Platter (which I am not making up). Airport officials are desperately trying to keep that a secret.

And if people can slip into a concourse where they are not supposed to be, what other dangers could slip through? Five ounces of shampoo? Roll-on deodorant? Lip balm??? We should shudder at the possibilities.

A third airport employee should be disciplined for his failure to apprehend the suspects when they subsequently went through security at the correct concourse. According to eyewitnesses (JB and HB), the employee merely lifted an eyebrow when he noticed that the boarding passes had already been marked by another employee at the first concourse (or by a squirrel; the squiggles of the two are barely distinguishable). And get this -- he accepted their lame explanation that they had merely NOT BEEN PAYING ATTENTION AND WENT THE WRONG WAY. This is an old, well-known terrorist ploy, and yet the passengers were allowed through without comment. I suggest that the discipline for such an offense involve some sort of high-pressured water gun. Or eating the Pu Pu Platter.

Fortunately, the two passengers/suspects seem to truly have been vacationing, as they claimed, and innocent of any malicious intent. Other than wishing to fling an order of Pu Pu at the person who cut in front of them in the boarding line.


love to laugh said...

Read the last three blogs. Really funny stuff. However,a little bird told me that not all the stories are really true, is that true? Maybe you're just embellishing the real story, putting a humorous spin on it. And isn't that what authors do? Whatever, I really think you should receive a blog award, like a giant top-hat with diamonds around the head band. You are just tooooo funny.

lowlyworm said...

the fact that the food in concoarse D is much much better in concoarse A. disregard any pu pu, may also have contributed to the....mishap

ilovecomics said...

Love to laugh...those little birds are always telling secrets! However, I will say that everything I write about at least starts out in reality...where it goes from there, I am not responsible for! :)