At a relative's house a tale as old as time is unfolding, starring their female bunny in a cage, a free-range male bunny residing next door, and three curious little persons.
The free-range male was living a good bachelor's life, coming and going at will at the neighbor's house, eating out of neighboring gardens, avoiding Mr. MacGregor, etc. One day he happened upon a female bunny in a cage in the relative's garage, and was instantly smitten.
The relative, taking advantage of the young male's smitten state, introduced him into the cage with the female, and a whirlwind bunny romance ensued.
Little persons in the household were delighted to know that baby bunnies might be forthcoming. One suggested that the babies could be given out as favors at her upcoming birthday party, which the mother knew would be considered an act of sabotage among all the other parents, and pretty much doom their popularity in the group.
"Maybe we should just ask if anyone wants one," she suggested.
The curious little persons also wanted to know how this potential situation of baby bunnies had come about, and what the rabbits were doing there in the cage. They received an education in the birds and the bees, as it pertained to bunnies, and also to humans, the mother stressing that humans should be much, much older than the little persons' current age, and married, before engaging in similar behavior.
One little person was horrified at the implications for the rabbit. "My bunny's living in sin!" she wailed. "Mom, they have to get married!"
And so wedding preparations are afoot for the two rabbits, although the preacher detail still needs to be settled. If you know of a bunny-licensed preacher in Pennsylvania, please let us know. Payment is no problem. There should be plenty of baby bunnies.
Surely there is a judge nearby who would be hoppy to officiate.
You are too bunny.
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